[Ebook] Oxford - Let's Go 2 [Fshare]

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  1. Is there a workbook for level 2? If so, could you please e-mail it to:


    Thank you,

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  2. Thanks alot! Where is Let's Go Starter (let's go 0)?

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  3. Hi: I need let's go 2 woorkbook, my email is caofdv@hotmail.com.thank a lot!

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  4. Hi, Can you send me let's go 2 workbook (third edition). May email is nguyentoandav@gmail.com. Thank you very much :)

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    Trả lời
    1. If you have let's go 2 workbook ( third edition ) . Please email to me : beminhvy@gmail.com. Thanks.

  5. Would you mind sending me the link to download Let's Go 2 Workbook (3rd Edition)?
    My email address: cobinh@gmail.com
    Thank you so much
    Best wishes

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  6. Would you send me the link for Let's Go 2 Workbook? My e-mail address is julim_21@hotmail.com

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  7. Would you mind sending me the link to download Let's Go 2 Workbook (3rd Edition)?
    My email address: pablobenite@hotmail.com
    Thank you so much
    Best wishes

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  8. Cám ơn bạn nhiều lắm!

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  9. would you mind sending let's go 2 workbook. my email : minhmantranthi@yahoo.com
    thank you so much
    best wishes

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  10. Link vẫn còn ngon chán! Phải chi có thêm Lets go 2 workbook nữa thì tuyệt nhưng dù sao cũng thank bạn nhju nhak! Đúng cái mjnh đang cần cho bọn nhóc ở nhà nó học ^^

    Trả lờiXóa
  11. - Chao ban, ban co the gui cho minh Let's Go 2 : Workbook (3rd Edition) duoc khong?
    .Dia chi Email cua minh la: hoalethien@gmail.com
    (hoac: zero_xxx13@yahoo.com)

    Cam on nhieu & chuc suc khoe ban !

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  12. Bạn có thể up sách Workbook lên Mediafire được không? Cảm ơn bạn nhiều lắm.

    Trả lờiXóa
  13. Would you mind sending me the link to download Let's Go 2 Workbook (3rd Edition)?
    My email address: cobinh@gmail.com
    Thank you so much
    Best wishes

    Trả lờiXóa
  14. Hi! Can I please ask for the link for Let's Go 2 Workbook? I really need it. My account is tashymywab@yahoo.com. Thanks a lot!

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  15. Mới cập nhật Let's go 2 workbook các bạn nhé!

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